Nether Stowey Village Hall
NEW Village Hall Plans
The Village Hall is now closed and we are unable to take any further bookings.
The present Nether Stowey Village Hall is nearly 100 years old and is showing its age in its centenary year. Repair costs are increasing year on year, but the income generated by the hall decreases year on year. This is an untenable situation and there is a risk that if a new village hall is not built, Nether Stowey could be left without a community centre, which is unacceptable in the eyes of the charity.
That is why the Nether Stowey Village Hall and Recreation Ground charity have been working on a project to relocate the village hall to the recreation ground.
The project will provide a modern village hall with a kitchen and bar, stage, sizeable
multipurpose function room, meeting room and car park. It will also provide changing rooms for recreational activities. With the outside becoming the new indoors throughout the pandemic, the new Village Hall will have a serving hatch and external covered seating area, public toilets as well as large bi-folding doors and windows.
The car park will have allocated electric vehicle charging points, bike storage and safe pedestrian access that will encourage green transport use. The energy efficient building will be powered by solar panels.
Full plans and supporting documents can be viewed on the Sedgemoor District Planning Portal planning number 36/21/00030
Comments can be made via the charity’s website at as well as the usual planning procedures.
Contact can be made by (a) email – (b) post c/o Parish Council office, 2 Castle Street, Nether Stowey TA5 1LN;
Time to say goodbye…..

The current Nether Stowey Village Hall will be closing on Thursday 31st March 2022, in readiness for the eventual sale of the land. All proceeds of the sale will be used to build the NEW Village Hall on the recreation ground and act as match funding for other grant providers.
Without the money from the sale of the current Village Hall, a new centre will not be built as it accounts for approximately 30 % of the new build cost. The remaining funds to build the new centre will come from community fund raisers and grant providers.
Grant providers insist the charity provides match funding. For example, if they gave the project £10k, towards the cost of a new kitchen at £20k, the charity would have to find another £10k to build the kitchen.
It is hoped that alternative temporary venues for current user groups can be found to ensure a limited impact whilst the new centre is built.
Farewell Party Friday 1st April 2022

The Village Hall is nearly 100 years old and deserves a good send off!
We welcome community members to attend one of two planned parties and share their memories of the old hall and view the plans for the new :
Friday 1st April 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Family friendly party with activities such as face painting, lego competition, party food and music.
Friday 1st April 7.00pm til late
Cheese and Wine Evening
Share your memories and photos…Please bring along any photos or stories and share your memories to enable our archivist Jo Davison to create a living memory of the Village Hall to be displayed at the new centre. Or send them to
Village Hall Committee
The village hall is a thriving community resource and is managed by the village hall committee and a dedicated band of volunteers.